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Development of a website or online storePortfolioFrequently Asked Questions
How long does the site take?
From the submission of the assignment, the site will be developed within 7 working days.
Where will the site be hosted?
There are 2 possibilities:
1) To be hosted with us, where you will have greater security for the speed of the site.
2) Choose the hosting of your choice and take the risks.
We recommend that our sites be hosted with us.
Will you help me with the design of the site?
If you do not have the necessary designs for the initial photo of the site and basic photos for the home page, our designer will assist in their creation.
All other photos, graphics and designs we will expect you to provide.
Why should I choose you?
We work on a well-established and time-proven system that allows us to know at any time what is the next step in creating a site.
This allows us to create sites in 7 working days.
We have experience in making beautiful websites and online stores that sell. Our clients, for whom we have made a website, earn over BGN 300,000 per month.
What is the work process?
Провежда се консултация с експерт, който да разбере от какво по-точно имате нужда.
След това описваме твоите изисквания и изработваме сайта в рамките на 7 работни дни.
Is there additional support?
When we release the site, you receive a set of videos with instructions on how to change photos, texts and design on the site and update it.
There will be an opportunity for additional support for a fee.
How much does the site cost?
Included is the development of the site, consultation with an expert who will assist in completing the assignment if necessary and design of basic photos and graphics for the home page.
How to start working together?
Процесът по стариране на работа е доста улеснен.
1) Нужно е да се свържете с нас на телефон +359888455055
или на имейл office@tradeon.bg
2) Изпращаме договор, който ни връщате разписан.
3) Изпращате ни попълнено задание за изработка на интернет сайт или онлайн магазин.
4) Ние започваме работа по сайта.