0884 885 272 office@tradeon.bg

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Website developmentPortfolio

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to develop the site?

From receiving a filled out questionnaire, the website is developed in 7 working days.

Where will the website be hosted?

There are 2 options:

1) You can host it with us and you’ll have better security and speed.

2) You can choose a hosting provider and take on the risks.

We recommend to host your website with us.

Are you going to help me with the design?

If you don’t have the needed designs for the header image and basic images for the home page, one of our designers will create them.

We’ll expect you to send us any other images, graphics and designs.

Why should I choose you?

We are working with a robust system which allows us to know which is the next step at every moment in time and what we should do next.

This allows us to develop websites in 7 working days.

We’re experienced in creating beautiful website and e-commerce stores which sell. For example, a website of ours which costs $900, made $300 000 in 2 months.

What's the work process?

We arrange a call with an expert in order to see what exactly you’ll need.
After that, we write down your requirements and develop the website in 7 working days.

Is there monthly maintenance?

When we create the website, you’ll receive video tutorials on how to change images, texts and designs all by yourself.

However, if you need help with anything, 1 hour per month costs $25.

How much does the website cost?

Includes the website development, consultation with an expert who will help with fill out the questionnaire, designs for images for the home page.

How can we start working together?

The process is very simple.

1) You can call us at +359888455055

or email us at office@tradeon.bg

2) We’ll send you a contract which you’ll have to sign.

3) We arrange a call with an expert who will help you fill out the questionnaire.

4) We start working on the website.
